Not-To-Do List Is the New To-Do List
When you are done with the Not-To-Do list, you end up with To-Do list.
Here is my Not-To-Do list I need to remind myself every day. I have taken a screenshot of my list and started using it as a wallpaper on my phone. This makes it easier to remind myself every time I use my phone.
1. Saying “Yes” To Every Deadline
I often end up “yes” to any deadline without analyzing other factors. Yes, I am inspired from the Jim carrey movie “Yes Man”. Saying “yes” to everything can create a big mess.
Now, I add few more days to the given deadline before taking up any writing project. Research, mood swings and other ad-hoc work is taken into consideration.
2. Click Random Notification Of Amazon And End Up Buying Stuff
This is more like a clickbait for me. One casual browsing over these sites and I end up burning hole in my pocket. Now, I instantly clear the notification or disable the apps in notification panel.
3. Writing Without A Break
Yes, it is not a good sign to keeping banging the keyboard to finish up a blog. When I start writing, I end up too absorbed and forget to take a break. I need to work on this one.
4. Watching Tik-Tok On Loop
This one is a tough one to avoid. It is great stress reliever but it makes me to procrastinate important stuff. I never know when the “Let me have a peek for few minutes” turn into “Omg! I have watched for an hour without a pause.”
5. Switching Priorities As Per My Mood
Since I have made the list, so I think, it is okay to make few changes for a while. I really need to work on such thoughts.
6. Using Linkedin Way Too Much
Please don’t judge me but it is vital to take a break from good things too. LinkedIn is a great platform and I use it more often than any other app. It can be distracting at times when I cannot concentrate at writing when I keep checking it out often.
7. Lend My Earphones
This one might sound weird to you but I take it seriously. People often borrow my earphones and return with a puzzle to solve as wires get tangled. I am still searching for a solution. Let me know how to deal with it in the comments!