8 SaaS Lead Generation Strategies that work in 2024

Gururaj Swamy
5 min readJun 16, 2021


If you are a founder of a B2B SaaS startup company or a SaaS marketer, you are probably aware about the fierce competition when it comes down to lead generation. Grabbing your position in the market is now much difficult than ever. Thus, it is now crucial to explore more options to put your product in front of customers.

Want to generate B2B SaaS leads? Give a damn about webinars!

Here is the roundup of best practices for B2B SaaS lead generation. Of course, take this one as template and customize it as per your company, resources you got and your target audience.

1. Repurpose your best piece of content

Got an amazing piece of content? Then you should squeeze it to churn out more leads. There surely is a reason why your popular content did well in the first place. Something worked, right?

So why not repurpose the same content in another format and make more money. Let’s say you got a blog that did well bringing in huge engagement, then take a stab at it.

Go ahead and create an infographic, a newsletter or even tiny bits of social media posts. This practice will make your piece of content evergreen and offers you an opportunity to generate a consistent inflow of leads on your plate with little effort.

2. Testimonials can never get old

We may be in 2021, but the word-of-mouth marketing can never go outdated. Got some loyal customers? Shoot a mail or contact them requesting for a video or text testimonial.

As a new website visitor, anyone can instantly gain trust when they find out positive testimonials over landing pages with headshots.

In a subtle way, your existing customers can turn out to be a powerful lead generation tool for your SaaS product.

3. Customised CTA

Just because you put up a CTA doesn’t mean it will attract customers for your SaaS product on its own like a magnet. So how do you know if your call-to-action is actually working?

Well, just ask your customers. What do they think? How did they feel after coming across your CTA. After you have the data on how your buyers respond to your CTAs, you can now refine CTAs to reach wider audience.

Your CTA maybe: Sign up for a free trial, subscribe to our newsletter or download a White Paper. Although they are fine but better request clients to take some time and give your product a feedback.

At the end of day, it is the perfect mix of all these strategies as per your SaaS product to generate leads. Let me know which strategy you find good.

4. Let your customers test waters before diving in

As a human being, we tend to test waters before diving right into the water. Well, customers for your SaaS products are not much different either. What can we say? They want to know and dig deeper before making an investment. Give them all the details they need about your product and earn their trust.

Customers enjoying your free trial are more likely to buy a premium version too.

5. Add value through your landing pages

Don’t just ask your customers for their business email or any other details. Think about this one: What do they get out of it? If you were in the place of a website visitor, will you give your email id or any other detail? No. Well, everyone needs some value addition in return for sharing their details.

Upload a free e-book, report or any free demo of product in exchange for customer details. This way people will be more likely to engage with your landing page.

6. Case studies are in

For any other business, creating quality content works but generating leads for a SaaS product demands to go beyond what works for everyone. Whatever stage in the marketing funnel a customer is in, case studies can turn the tables in your favour.

What’s the use of case studies?

They convey a strong message to clients that you have already worked on similar projects in the past. Now you don’t have to sound too fancy while creating case studies too. Just narrate how you have addressed the painpoint of similar clients and you are good to go.

7. Untap the power of Referrals

Many may not agree on this one but if rightly used, Referrals can generate huge number of leads with little effort for any SaaS company.

  • Add your website link with product features to any well know content platform or any bigger software with huge audience.
  • Ask for your existing customers to refer your SaaS product with similar customers.

Why would your customer refer to your product?

Let’s get real for a moment. No customer is too excited for referral. They might postpone it or may decline right away. Only way to motivate them for referrals is offering them some product incentives or bonus cash.

8. No, email marketing is still in vogue

Let’s clear up some things here. Are your subscribers leads?

Probably not but they can turn into your potential customers. How well you channelise them in marketing funnel till they reach the final stage depends on how well you conduct email marketing.

  • Every subscriber gives you an opportunity to build a solid rapport with them.
  • Send out relevant emails to make subscribers stay engaged.
  • Trigger their curiosity by sharing your best piece of content: Case Studies, Blog link or any latest announcement.
  • Once in a while, ask them about their preferences in a product. Use this data to customise your product and let them know about it.
  • The more you gain insights, the easier it becomes to create customised content.

It may not be easy to generate leads in B2B SaaS business but experimentation and trying out new strategies will make you realise what works best for your business. Remember: There is no one strategy that fits for all the B2B businesses.

Let me know if this information is helpful for your B2B SaaS business and what strategy you are adopting in your organisation.

My other SaaS blogs:

Know why Micro-SaaS can be a bad idea

What is SaaS: A beginner’s simple guide

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Gururaj Swamy

Technical content writer | ERP | SaaS | Cybersecurity | ERP | IAM | CXaaS |https://www.linkedin.com/in/gururaj-swamy